57 Interesting New Years Resolutions Ideas For 2024

I talk on here all the time about the importance of setting goals and New Years resolutions is like the gold standard of goal setting. But the tips, advice, and ideas surrounding them can get really repetitive. Which doesn’t help to inspire or encourage any of us! So today we are going to talk about these 57 interesting New Years resolutions ideas for 2024.

Hopefully some of these ideas will inspire and motivate you to get creative with your resolutions this year.

Getting creative and personalizing your resolutions is one of the best way to make those resolutions actually happen. If you are vaguely setting a goal to get more steps that isn’t necessarily going to be a goal you feel motivated to achieve. But if instead you set a resolution to try a new exercise class every week that is so much more fun and engaging.

There is also a lot of power in setting fun resolutions which goes hand in hand with unique resolutions that you will have a passion for achieving.

So now that we have chatted about some of the reasons that it’s so important to set unique and interesting New Years resolutions let’s jump into some of these ideas for your resolution in 2024!

Also, if you need some tips for setting resolutions then check out this post here.

57 Interesting New Years Resolutions Ideas For 2024

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57 Interesting New Years Resolutions Ideas For 2024

These resolutions are broke up into the categories of health and wellness, financial, self improvement, personal growth, and just fun!

So let’s get into the first category of unique New Years resolutions ideas for 2024-

Health and Wellness New Years Resolution Ideas:

  1. Try a new fitness class every week.
  2. Create a healthy night time routine- here’s some ideas for it.
  3. Create a sleep schedule- for example, getting up and going to bed at the same time every day.
  4. Do a 30 day fitness challenge (use Pinterest to find ideas for this).
  5. Do a monthly spa/self care day for the whole year.
  6. Keep a habit journal – this will help you build new positive habits!
  7. Make your bed every day- and wash your bedding regularly too.
  8. Go one day without sugar each week- your body will thank you.
  9. Try doing meatless Mondays.
  10. Make all of the correct annual appointments- annual physical, eye doctor, dentist, etc.
  11. Cook one new healthy recipe a week.
  12. Start journaling every day.

Financial New Years Resolution Ideas:

  1. Set up a saving plan and actually stick to it- if you have debt like student loans or a car payment setting a goal for paying off a certain percent of those is a great idea.
  2. Go through any subscriptions you pay for and stop the ones you don’t use each month.
  3. Sell your unused clothing online- it’s a bonus that this helps to declutter your home.
  4. Learn to make coffee you love at home (this can really help save money!).
  5. Make it a goal to always go to the grocery store with a grocery list.
  6. Learn how insurance works (health, car, home, life, etc).
  7. Try monetizing a hobby or interest of yours as a side hustle.
  8. Make a credit score goal and work towards achieving it (with a plan) this year.

Self Improvement New Years Resolutions Ideas:

  1. Improve your time management abilities- here’s some tips for this.
  2. Make a personal website (this is great for job applications)- no matter your career path this can be very helpful.
  3. Create a one year plan- figure out what the next 365 days will look like.
  4. Refresh your resume- here are 20 resume tips to help.
  5. Learn a new word everyday- get an app for this and watch your vocabulary grow!
  6. Create a productive Sunday routine to set your week up for success!
  7. Make a list of things that challenge you and accomplish at least one a month – make sure to personalize this to your life goals.
  8. Work on improving your mental endurance- playing brain games is a great way to do this.
  9. Get a certificate in something new- it can be related to your education/career or not at all!
  10. Start using a planner- Personal Growth New Years Resolution Ideas:
    1. Start a gratitude journal- here’s a guided one to get you started
    2. Start talking to yourself positively and practice daily positive self talk.
    3. Try meditation- there are free guided ones on YouTube!
    4.  Work on taking criticism and growing from it- here are my tips for taking criticism like a pro.
    5. Do 5 positive affirmations every day.
    6. Declutter your home- try this 18 day decluttering challenge
    7. Do a complete social media detox. 
    8. Become a blood donor and go regularly for your community.
    9. Work on doing short daily cleaning.
    10. Make a plan to check in on your mental health once a day- usually at the end of the day.
    11. Give out at lease 3 compliments to people every day.
    12. Stop gossiping and instead focus on the positives.
    13. Start a podcast talking about your interests.

    Just Fun New Years Resolution Ideas:

    1. Participate in more community events.
    2. Start creating a capsule wardrobe.
    3. Start a blog to share about your knowledge and passions.
    4. Do random acts of kindness- here is 51 ideas for random acts of kindness
    5. Start a dream journal.
    6. Make an effort to make your home and life more sustainable and better for the earth.
    7. Take a weekend trip somewhere totally new to you.
    8. Work on making new friends who are different than you!
    9. Take steps to quit having FOMO.
    10. Change up your look in a fun way.
    11. Plan out a totally different date night each month.
    12. Learn a fun DIY craft or hobby- get creative!


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