How To Really Stay Motivated While Cleaning

So cleaning isn’t my (or almost anyones) favorite activity. The list of things I would rather be doing is about 74 pages long. But we have to do what we have to do in order to keep a clean and enjoyable home. And getting that little spark that pushes us to start cleaning is pretty frequent in my experience. The hold up? Actually staying inspired and motivated to keep cleaning after about 25 minutes. And that is what we are going to be chatting about today! Below I break down how to really stay motivated while cleaning.

Learning to keep your motivation and energy up to clean will help you be able to clean more at a time. When you aren’t grabbing for cleaning supplies and moving things around multiple days and are instead cleaning it all in one large chunk of time you are being more efficient.

But efficiency isn’t a great motivator! Which is why it’s helpful to keep these tips and tricks in mind when your mental urge to clean starts to fade but your cleaning to do list is still daunting. So let’s get into my favorite tips to help us stay motivated when cleaning.

How To Really Stay Motivated While Cleaning

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How To Really Stay Motivated While Cleaning

My favorite tips to help us stay motivated to keep cleaning:

Set Clear Goals: Before you start cleaning, identify what you want to achieve. Whether it’s tidying up a specific room, decluttering a closet, or deep cleaning the kitchen, having a clear goal in mind will help keep you focused and motivated.

I recommend either writing down the goals and putting the list somewhere visible or (and this is what I do) using the notes app on your phone so you can easily mark off your cleaning goals while you finish them. And we all know how motivating it is to check something off a to do list and watch as your tasks start to shrink!

Create a Playlist: Put together a playlist of your favorite upbeat songs or podcasts to listen to while you clean. Music can help boost your mood and make the cleaning process more enjoyable.

I find that generally using my workout playlist works for me due to the high energy and upbeat songs. But of course it will depend on you and your preferences.

Want to listen to something more engaging? Try an audiobook or a podcast instead!

Break It Down: Instead of tackling everything at once, break your cleaning tasks down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Focus on one area or task at a time, and take short breaks in between to avoid burnout.

Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by everything that needs done! Which of course is easier said than done. But breaking the tasks down is one of the most helpful ways to help yourself avoid getting overwhelmed and burnt out which will cause you to quit your cleaning spree early.

Use a Timer: Set a timer for each cleaning task to create a sense of urgency and keep yourself on track. Knowing that you only have a set amount of time to complete a task can help prevent procrastination and keep you motivated.

I also like to race the timer and try to beat the cleaning of a certain room. Silly I know, but making it into a little competition against myself and the clock can be so motivating for me! If you have a competitive streak too then I highly recommend trying out a timer and making it into a little competition for yourself.

Reward Yourself: Give yourself something to look forward to once you’ve completed your cleaning tasks. Whether it’s enjoying a tasty treat, taking a relaxing bath, or watching your favorite TV show, having a reward waiting for you can help keep you motivated to get the job done.

After a FULL day of cleaning my reward is usually to open a bottle of sparkling wine but of course that’s up to you… but I do recommend it haha!

Visualize the End Result: Take a moment to visualize how great your space will look and feel once it’s clean and organized. Keeping this image in your mind can help motivate you to push through any feelings of laziness or fatigue.

Thinking seriously about how great it will feel to live in your well cleaned and organized house can really keep that energy going to keep at it.

Get Support: Enlist the help of family members or roommates to tackle cleaning tasks together. Not only will you get the job done faster, but having someone to share the workload with can make the process more enjoyable.

Live alone? Try making TikTok or instagram reels of you cleaning. That way you can use the Internet to help keep you motivated. They can’t obviously take any tasks but it works great as an accountability buddy.

Focus on the Benefits: Remind yourself of the benefits of a clean and organized space, such as reduced stress, increased productivity, and improved overall well-being. Keeping these benefits in mind can help motivate you to stay on top of your cleaning routine.

How To Really Stay Motivated While Cleaning


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