25 Actually Fun Self Care Ideas To Try!

Self care is so important but it can seem like a bit of a chore sometimes. And that is something that can obviously hold you back from practicing as much self care as you should be! Which is why today we are going to chat about the solution to this- self care activities that are fun and you actually want to them.

Below I share the 25 actually fun self care ideas that I truly encourage you to try this year.

I recommend scrolling through them first and seeing which activity calls to you the most and seems the most enjoyable! Then make it a priority to do that self care ideas this week. That way you are kicking it off with a favorite and starting the habits necessary to ensure you are regularly practicing self care.

So let’s get into it and start doing more self care while actually having fun and enjoying your time!

25 Actually Fun Self Care Ideas To Try!

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25 Actually Fun Self Care Ideas To Try!

Fun self care activities:

  1. Bubble Bath Bliss: Treat yourself to a luxurious bubble bath complete with candles, soothing music, and your favorite bath salts or bubbles.
  2. Movie Marathon: Settle in for a cozy movie marathon with your favorite films or binge-watch a new series on your streaming platform of choice.
  3. DIY Spa Day: Create your own spa experience at home with facemasks, manicures, and indulgent skincare treatments.
  4. Nature Walk: Take a leisurely stroll through nature, whether it’s a local park, nature reserve, or scenic trail.
  5. Arts and Crafts: Get creative with arts and crafts projects like painting, drawing, knitting, or crafting.
  6. Dance Party: Crank up your favorite tunes and have a spontaneous dance party in your living room.
  7. Cooking or Baking: Spend some time in the kitchen whipping up your favorite recipes or trying out new ones.
  8. Journaling: Set aside time to journal your thoughts, feelings, and reflections.
  9. Gardening: Get your hands dirty and tend to your indoor or outdoor garden.
  10. Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation to center yourself and cultivate a sense of calm.
  11. Yoga or Pilates: Stretch and strengthen your body with a yoga or Pilates session.
  12. Reading: Curl up with a good book and immerse yourself in a captivating story.
  13. Picnic in the Park: Pack a picnic basket and enjoy a meal al fresco in your favorite outdoor spot.
  14. Photography: Take your camera or smartphone and go on a photo walk to capture the beauty of your surroundings.
  15. Board Games or Puzzles: Gather your friends or family for a friendly game night or puzzle-solving session.
  16. DIY Home Spa: Create your own spa treatments at home, from DIY facemasks to homemade sugar scrubs.
  17. Visit a Museum or Art Gallery: Explore your local museums or art galleries and immerse yourself in culture and creativity.
  18. Meditative Coloring: Engage in meditative coloring with adult coloring books and intricate designs.
  19. Volunteering: Give back to your community by volunteering your time and talents to a cause you’re passionate about.
  20. Karaoke Night: Belt out your favorite tunes at home or at a local karaoke bar.
  21. Stargazing: Spend an evening under the stars, marveling at the beauty of the night sky.
  22. DIY Home Decor: Get crafty and spruce up your space with DIY home decor projects.
  23. Digital Detox: Take a break from screens and disconnect from technology for a day or weekend.
  24. Cuddle Time: Spend quality time with your pets or loved ones, cuddling and enjoying each other’s company.
  25. Outdoor Adventure: Embark on an outdoor adventure like hiking, biking, or camping to reconnect with nature and get your adrenaline pumping.

Remember, self-care is all about nourishing your mind, body, and soul, so choose activities that bring you joy and replenish your spirit. Happy self-caring!

Also, I want to share my top 9 tips for remembering and prioritizing self care:

  1. Schedule It: Treat self-care activities like any other important appointment by scheduling them into your calendar. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for self-care, and stick to it as you would with any other commitment.
  2. Make It Routine: Incorporate self-care activities into your daily routine so they become habitual. Whether it’s a morning meditation, an evening walk, or a weekly bubble bath, establishing a routine can help ensure that self-care becomes a natural part of your day.
  3. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to activities or commitments that drain your energy or encroach on your self-care time. Setting boundaries allows you to prioritize your own needs and make self-care a non-negotiable part of your life.
  4. Create Reminders: Use reminders, alarms, or sticky notes to prompt you to engage in self-care throughout the day. Set reminders on your phone or computer to take breaks, stretch, or practice mindfulness exercises.
  5. Visual Cues: Surround yourself with visual cues that remind you to prioritize self-care. This could be anything from a calming piece of artwork or a plant on your desk to a motivational quote or affirmation taped to your bathroom mirror.
  6. Accountability Partner: Partner up with a friend, family member, or colleague who shares your commitment to self-care. Check in with each other regularly to offer support, encouragement, and accountability in prioritizing self-care.
  7. Track Your Progress: Keep a self-care journal or tracker to monitor your self-care activities and reflect on how they make you feel. Tracking your progress can help you identify patterns, celebrate achievements, and stay motivated to continue prioritizing self-care.
  8. Flexibility: Be flexible and adaptable with your self-care routine. Life is unpredictable, and there may be times when your schedule or circumstances change. Allow yourself the freedom to adjust your self-care activities as needed while staying committed to your overall well-being.
  9. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself if you miss a self-care session or if things don’t go as planned. Remember that self-care is about nurturing yourself, not adding more stress or guilt to your life. Practice self-compassion and give yourself permission to prioritize your needs.


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